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Call Gerald on (07) 4129 7029 to book an evaluation or click here to fill out an online booking enquiry.

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Why not call into one of our farms and see the results for yourself. Just send us an email or give us a ring and arrange a time to suit...

Call Gerald on
(07) 4129 7029

What's In It For Me?

The question of what is in it for me could well be answered with another question, what do you want from your livestock enterprise?

If you are interested in producing superior animals that will breed consistently and produce consistent end products then this system will provide a positive and viable choice.

This system is not necessarily going to totally reverse all your previous years of work and experience, but rather work with those skills to take your enterprise to the next level.

It is our aim to ensure that not only are you financially rewarded for using this system, but that your level of personal satisfaction is greatly increased.
It is our aim to ensure that not only are you financially rewarded for using this system, but that your level of personal satisfaction is greatly increased. We speak about balance on the page “Why are they Superior”. By balance we are not just talking about balance of traits within each animal, but the balance within your whole farming business. You are the key to this business and so balance means that you as the owner, manager, stockman etc. need to get a range of rewards from it. Rewards equal energy, i.e. the energy that we as people need to “recharge our batteries” so that we maintain the commitment and enthusiasm to follow through on achieving our desired outcomes.

This system is aimed at providing that ultimate balance that is going to give you the opportunity to get far more out of your current enterprise than you ever thought possible.