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(07) 4129 7029

Need A Branded Product?

One of the aims of the company is to establish a brand logo that can be used on all products marketed by producers who use the system to evaluate their stock. To be able to use the logo on their products, it will be necessary for producers to have had their stock evaluated by a CLMS qualified evaluator. The use of this logo will be as a general identification for all CLMS graded products and if producers wish to have their own brand then all that will be needed is for the addition of a small CLMS logo somewhere on the brand. This would establish an internationally recognisable trade logo under which all evaluated meat is marketed regardless of location or market. Thus, a consumer could buy meat with an identical label anywhere in Australia or overseas and be assured of the consistency of quality.

  It is envisaged that the role of CLMS in the area of marketing will be to coordinate producer groups using the system to ensure a continuity of supply to their own markets and in sourcing and supplying national and international markets from the pool of established producer groups. It is not envisaged that the company will become involved in the business of commission sales, particularly livestock. This would require an increased staff and possible distraction away from the main business mission of service provision to the industry.

There are many well-established stock agency companies currently in this business who would be more than willing to sell stock when required and some have already offered there services to the company on a brokerage basis which may well be an effective option for the future.

The company will help groups to establish their markets where necessary and coordinate supplies so that all groups can guarantee a regular supply to their market.

The company will help groups to establish their markets where necessary and coordinate supplies so that all groups can guarantee a regular supply to their market. It would support the producer groups in their marketing endeavours without becoming involved in the local decisions that each group took. This would be determined by local needs with flexibility for local groups to develop their own niche and other markets. Groups would be assisted in establishing markets by networking experience gained by others and approaching people with expertise in this area. These groups could consist of local commercial producer groups, breed societies, area breed groups or individuals (e.g. feedlots or larger, more isolated range producers).

The over-riding necessity in the meat trade is clearly continuity of supply. This is the message that is coming through loud and clear from distributors, retailers, butchers, chefs, etc. This would be the area that an international identity scheme plays a leading role and supports local groups in maintaining a continuity of high quality recognisable, branded product.

To ensure that a consistent, graded, evaluated product is marketed by all groups, CLMS will supply their tags to accredited evaluators in all areas. These standardised tags are the lynch pin for the system.

It would also establish an internationally recognisable trade name/logo under which all evaluated product is marketed regardless of location or market. Thus, a consumer could buy product with an identical label anywhere in Australia or overseas and be assured of the quality.

The following is the proposed grading categories:

Royal Purple Royal Classic Grade 1
Red Supreme Classic Grade 2
Blue Premium Classic Grade 3
Pink Classic Grade 4
Orange Cull Grade 5

It is likely that only the first three grades will be used in the marketing system. It is believed that to market the other grades under the CLMS label would be counter productive to the establishment of a brand name that stands for consistency in product. Any grade 4 or grade 5 cattle would not be marketed under the company logo. These two grades will be more important in evaluating breeding groups with grade 5 as the cull grade.