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Call Gerald on (07) 4129 7029 to book an evaluation or click here to fill out an online booking enquiry.

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Why not call into one of our farms and see the results for yourself. Just send us an email or give us a ring and arrange a time to suit...

Call Gerald on
(07) 4129 7029

Scientific Evidence - Opportunities

Opportunities For Future Involvement

CLASSIC LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT SERVICES is a company still in many ways in its infancy and as such has a strong air of excitement and expectation surrounding it.

  • There are many areas of potential development on the company’s agenda that will make significant contributions to the livestock industry. However, the size and resources available to the company at present has meant that the focus has had to remain very much on a restricted area of the ultimate potential.
  • We have opportunities for individuals and companies interested in being part of the exciting developments that we are currently involved in and who would be willing to accept the challenge of growing with us as we explore the many choices available to us to make the livestock industry a more respected and valuable participant in our communities.
  • The company has been structured in such a way that there are opportunities for committed parties to be heavily involved in future development and growth.
  • A summary of the company as it is at present can be found on the page headed “About Us”.
  • A more comprehensive version of this information along with the company objectives is available in our “Executive Summary”. These are available on request through the contact details listed on this site. 
  • As part of the company’s business development, we are now able to offer a specialised consultancy service for investors and producers in the livestock, and particularly, the cattle industry. The specific target market group includes investors considering the purchase of property who require assistance in developing a financially stable and efficient business returning an acceptable return for their investment and for corporate owners who have not had a lot of previous experience in the industry or have other business interests that require large time inputs away from their livestock business.